Netflix has released the Rescued By Ruby trailer for the upcoming biographical comedy-drama, which will be led by Arrowverse star Grant Gustin. The video features a state trooper, who adopts a shelter dog in hopes of training her to become a K-9. The film will be available for streaming on Thursday, March 17.
State trooper Dan dreams of joining the K-9 Search & Rescue team, but no one will give him the chance. Shelter dog Ruby dreams of having a home, but is running out of hope. When fate brings Dan and Ruby together, it’s their unshakable bond that helps them face their toughest challenge yet.
Based on a true story, Rescued By Ruby is directed by Katt Shea from a script written by Karen Janszen. It stars Grant Gustin (The Flash), Scott Wolf (Party of Five), Camille Sullivan (Normal), Tom McBeath (Stargate SG-1), Kaylah Zander, and more.